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Roaming Quality Monitoring

In the highly competitive telecommunications market, ensuring that your customers, receive high quality, reliable services are a key differentiators, ensuring customer loyalty and minimizing customer churn.


Proactively identifying issues that negatively impact customer experience and addressing them before customers complain.  
This is especially true in roaming scenarios where customers demand high-quality data and voice connections. As roaming customers are both high value for the operator and trend setter for the market, it is critical to protect their roaming experience.
With the continued introduction of 5G SA networks, operators will get the ability to customize the quality of service of data connections (speed, latency, etc) to usage and segment of each customer. In this context, it is critical to monitor that the promised quality of service is actually delivered.

Our Solution

Araxxe service provides operators with continuous, unlimited testing, through our “base campaign” ensuring that issues are identified as they occur.
Covering all service types (Data, Voice and SMS) and radio technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE and 5G) our comprehensive monitoring KPI’s focus on issues that impact customer experience.
Additional ad-hoc testing to address specific call scenarios or to verify corrective actions can be carried out at any time using our user portal.

Araxxe service offers the following unique features:


  • “All you can eat” approach: package price includes as many tests as needed.  No tokens. No “bean counting” as with competitors.

User Eyes

  • Active tests tell you how telecom users experience your services.
  • Araxxe QoS Indicators are understandable by telecom users, marketing teams and wholesale teams.


  • Worldwide roaming up to 99%+ of your roaming revenues protected.
  • All radio technologies tested: 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G

Our KPI’s are based upon four international standards applied: GSMA, ETSI, ITU and CAMARA.