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Voice bypass


Increase wholesale termination revenues by tackling Simboxes bypassing the legitimate interconnect gateways.

SIM Box Fraud has a big business impact: termination revenue losses, interconnect cost inflation, unsuccessful legal interception, subscriber identity theft, poor subscriber service quality, network capacity issues… to name only a few.

Our Solution

Monitoring your incoming traffic to detect SIM cards in Simboxes bypassing your interconnect gateways and leading to wholesale termination revenue losses:

  • Generate detection calls from a unique portfolio of 3,700+ routes (including all types of operators / routes worldwide) towards your network.
  • Detect fraudulent SIM cards used in Simboxes to terminate traffic on your network: both your SIM cards and other domestic operators’ SIM cards.
  • Maximize the probability to detect bypass with specific call campaign while minimizing the risk of counter-detections thanks to patented methods.
  • Send real-time alerts to enable quick disconnections by the operator.
  • Deliver actionable reports including material proofs of bypass.