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CLI Refiling


Operators implement Origin Based Rating (OBR) for the termination of international traffic to comply with regional regulations and increase revenues.  Fraudulent carriers refile traffic CLI’s to obtain lower termination rates denying operators true revenues.

  •  Telecom Operators face the risk of losing revenue due to arbitrage practices when terminating international traffic. Specific challenges include Calling Line Identification (CLI) refiling.
  • Operators and transit carriers re-originate their traffic to pay a lower Mobile Termination Rate (MTR), impacting your network. e.g. Calls from the US to France being terminated with a German CLI to obtain inter-European termination rates.

Our Solution

Araxxe provides a robust solution to monitor incoming traffic. By ensuring the proper application of origin-based billing, we prevent both CLI refiling and International Simbox fraud. Our approach includes:

  • Traffic monitoring using a portfolio of over 1,300 routes, with a focus on originations subject to higher termination rates and identification of scale of revenue loss.
  • Detection by identifying Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and carriers involved in traffic termination via refiling.
  • Provision of actionable fraud reports and intelligence to expedite the tuning of firewalls.

Araxxe's extensive services ensure that Telecom Operators can effectively secure their revenue streams and mitigate the risks associated fraud.