Telecoms operators are constantly updating and migrating systems to remain competitive and launch new services.
The pressure to implement these systems within tight timeframes within budgets often means testing is limited. This can lead to billing errors with significant financial and brand impact.
In this series, we’ll explain the issues that operators face and how Araxxe can help you address them.
- Episode #1 - Pressure to Implement Changes Quickly
- Episode #2 - Case Study
- Episode #3 - Araxxe Services for Securing Change
- Episode #4 - How does Araxxe test?
Episode #1 - Pressure to Implement Changes Quickly
Operators consistently update and migrate systems to introduce new technologies and launch new services.
Pressure to be first to market, react to competitors along with budget all put pressure on implementation timescales.
This often leads to operators cutting corners especially when it comes to testing.
Limited testing can lead to billing errors that result in revenue loss, customer dissatisfaction and reputational damage.
Transformation programs impact different facets of user experience
- Networks Upgrades & Migrations
- Systems Upgrades & Migrations
- New Services Launch

Migrations and upgrades increase significantly Billing Error risks for customers:
• Tight timescales
• Resources constraints
• Limited testing scope

Go Live decision requires fact-based assessment.

Araxxe helps telecom operators make decision during their large transformation programs.
Automated testing enables operators to perform various tests in a timely, proactive and targeted way.
If you would like a free consultation to discuss how you can improve your billing, feel free to contact us!