The past months, fraudsters have become very innovative when it comes to interconnect bypass fraud. Although traditional bypass fraud will exist as long as termination rates are higher than retail tariffs, several trends & new types of fraud have popped up, all having the same goal, which is to avoid paying you interconnect termination fees.
Grey-routing is still a major issue in today's telecoms landscape. Bypass will exist as long as termination rates are higher than retail tariffs. Even with decreasing spreads due to increased regulation, bypass keeps on popping up. But interconnect fraud is so much more than pure SIM bypass only... Are you aware that SMS Fraud is rising and involves different fraud types such as spam, arbitrage & smuggling? Have you ever faced Pbx hacking attacks leading to revenue share fraud? Are you evaluating & monitoring your international trunks on a regular basis?
Today interconnect fraud encompasses a variety of fraud types which need to be treated in an integrated way. In order to anticipate on these changing market environments and in order to serve our customers even better than before, Araxxe is launching its Wholesale &Retail Business Monitoring solutions.
During the past decade, operators have focussed on purchasing system installations rather than deploying managed solutions. With this approach, Fraud and Revenue Assurance teams have ended up with poorly integrated software, out of date pieces of hardware and partial coverage of revenue streams.
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