The last ten years, several things have happened in parallel in the telecoms world.
Retail and wholesale pricing schemes have changed, there are new regulatory constraints (e.g. EU roaming regulation). Moreover, fraudsters have access to advanced software, hardware and they have become professional organizations, making cash by tampering with highly interconnected networks...
So what does it mean for you, operators?
Traditional fraud schemes such as SIM Box fraud have materially evolved! In 2005 we were only talking about 2 types of bypass fraud: ‘on net’ and ‘off net’ bypass. In 2016, this terminology has become misleading and too simplistic as there are far more bypass types than two!
Additionally, new fraud schemes appeared: OTT bypass, Mobile Termination Rates Arbitrage, SMS termination Abuse to name only a few...
Our solutions to help you protect your network
At Arraxe, for each type of fraud, we have a solution, but a solution tailored to your needs.
If you are hit by SIM Box fraud, we will identify which SIM Box fraud you suffer from and then provide you with systematic proofs of bypass. We provide this service for both voice and SMS.
Do you suspect OTT bypass?
We will identify the originating operators or carriers that terminate traffic on your networks.
What about Mobile Termination Rates Arbitrage?
We make sure that the origin-based surcharges are properly applied and we identify the originating operators and bypass techniques.
For Interconnect Ghost Trunks, our main goal is to identify the precise place where the calls enter your network, pinpointing the fraud even if trunks have been protected or hidden by the fraudsters.
International SIM Box fraud is also becoming a global problem! We can detect your SIM cards committing fraud in different regions across the globe!
Araxxe - an integrated solution with in depth investigation expertise.
- Araxxe gives you access to a team of fraud experts: we are working for operators worldwide since over 10 years and have deep know-how of regional patterns.
- You benefit from a unique portfolio of 2,800+ routes (including all types of operators/routes worldwide).
- We have patented monitoring for each type of SIM Box fraud and counter detection techniques (i.e. Anti-Whitelist).
- You get ‘Real’ real time notifications: you can disconnect a lot of SIM cards in no time and most importantly, you can disconnect fast!
- You can consider us as a 3rd party legal certification partner delivering formal proof of frauds.
- Our solution is complimentary to your Fraud Management System, we don’t replace it, we supplement it!
- Last but not least… Araxxe is offering flexible pricing models which are aligned with your strategy and budgetary constraints.