The telecom world is not only a global network with multitude of interconnected networks, it is also a busy marketplace where telecom operators and international carriers buy & sell traffic.
The main players in this market are the international carriers. They are responsible for terminating most of the incoming traffic on the operator networks.
Araxxe has developed a unique reporting tool called ‘MarketWatch’ to provide insights on this vast, non-transparent and highly competitive market.
Are fraudsters jeopardising your A2P SMS revenues?
A2P traffic is booming. Attractive rates – often regional – and a lack of both monetization and monitoring tools implemented at the operator side have led to a big incentive for fraudsters to bypass the regular termination of A2P traffic.
Araxxe is seeing a substantial A2P SMS infection rate in Europe and other economic, political and geographic circles.
A2P SMS Bypass leads to reduced revenues and artificial costs:
How can Araxxe help?
Araxxe is detecting A2P SMS bypass everywhere and not only in Europe!
Araxxe’s platform allows for both detecting fraudulent A2P traffic in a specific region and focusing on what is happening nationally. Flexible programs for Incoming and Outgoing A2P SMS detection are available, tailored to your specific business needs.
Araxxe has an extensive and continuously growing number of A2P routes through which our AI scheduler sends traffic to operators’ networks. Domestic and international Simboxes are flagged and immediately reported for deactivation and further investigation.
Ready to learn more? Contact us and we will happily share our insights.
“TRI estimates the global market for telecom fraud control and business assurance solutions will be between $200 and $250 million in 2019!”
The Technology Research Institute (TRI) has just released a 495-page research report that has “a focus on both fraud and the broader business assurance profession and solutions market”.
As these two topics, fraud and revenue assurance, are at the core of Araxxe’s business, Dan Baker - TRI’s Research Director and Owner - interviewed Araxxe Experts and as a result, he has drawn an extensive profile about Araxxe that will give the reader great insight into the strategy and tools used by Araxxe to help Telecom Operators identify billing errors and combat interconnect fraud.
On Fraud detection / SMS Fraud:
“Araxxe is an expert in identifying SMS routing problems through its network of test call robots. If an operator wants to know whether its SIM cards are being used to terminate traffic in a particular destination, Araxxe generates SMSs from Google, Facebook, etc. with A2P origin to many networks in Europe or even worldwide. The results will show exactly which traffic from the SIM cards are being transformed to P-SMS to Russia, Canada, Germany, Mexico, etc.”
On Revenue Assurance:
“An interesting point is that Araxxe has no need to see the rating plans of the operator. Rather, it uses public information such as what’s featured on the operator’s website or in a marketing brochure.
And frankly that’s the beauty of the approach: the rating system could be in error, the switch-to-bill configuration could be wrong, or the advertised market price could be different. That’s what Araxxe’s analysis determines. The key value of this service is to look at the bill from the end user customer’s eyes: the best place to begin.
Download the report’s Executive Summary and Araxxe’s Company Profile: Araxxe_ Solution Provider Profile TRI Executive Summary
The quotes mentioned above are an extract from the TRI Study. More info can be found at