Some App providers give subscribers the opportunity to earn easy money by allowing their SMS allowance to be used to terminate A2P messages allowances.
How does it work?
- the subscriber installs the app on their smartphone,
- the subscriber lets the App send SMS from its unused SMS Allowance
- the subscriber cashes out through PayPal, cryptocurrency etc.
What does it mean?
Technically, the App has simply turned a smartphone into a Simbox by using subscribers’ SMS to bypass the legitimate A2P stream and avoid A2P termination rates. The operator is losing termination revenues, the fraudsters make margin and all the while, a free income is generated for subscribers…
How can Araxxe help?
Leveraging our extended portfolio of A2P SMS origins, Araxxe is detecting A2P SMS Bypass. Our detection method detects fraudulent messages terminated by physical Simbox and Reselling apps and does not get confused by the mix of subscriber profiles and machine profiles. One SMS is enough to prove that fraud is happening. Additionally, SMS Reselling App Monitoring provides key insights on the SMS traffic sent by these SMS Apps to support Operator’s countermeasures.
Ready to learn more? Contact us and we will be glad to help you!