How many billing errors have you discovered the last 12 months? Be it a missing transaction, an incorrect volume metering or a case of underbilling, billing errors mean revenue loss. Revenue loss leads to a net decrease in margin for the operator because costs are there, but revenues are not!
From those billing errors you have detected, for how many have you calculated the financial impact if this error had not been discovered?
What gets measured gets managed better!
By estimating the business impact of a billing error, your benefits are multiple:
- With estimations, you bring factual figures based on rationale, helping to improve the communication and decision process within the organisation. It is a tool to push for the billing error correction by other teams (IT billing team/network team).
- If you come to the CFO with thorough calculations of the avoided loss, you gain visibility to management, prove a positive ROI to your CFO and secure the investment of the next budget!
- For cases of overbilling, you avoid customer complaints, churn, costly refunds and legal procedures. In summary you avoid brand damage!
Last but not least, detecting and fixing billing errors allows you to avoid revenue loss, increase and protect your revenue!
How can Araxxe support you?
Araxxe has developed a systematic approach and various methodologies to calculate the financial impact of billing errors:
- We estimate the business impact for selected cases for each call campaign.
- We use recognized market databases (such as GSMA Market intelligence), regulatory reports, purchased carrier traffic database and market research analysis reports.
- We capitalize on our 10+ years of experience gathered in our ‘Araxxe Usage Reference Guide’
- We work hand in hand with you to deliver the best estimations: we submit our analysis to you and use your feedback to refine the calculations.
Use Case
‘While roaming in ‘Eastern Europe Zone’, voice transactions performed by business subscribers towards “Rest of the World” destinations are rated 0,67 Euro/call + 8,47 Euro/min (60 seconds : 60 seconds) VAT included instead of 0,67 Euro/call + 9,75 Euro/min (60 seconds : 60 seconds) VAT included’
For this case, we used our Business Impact Estimation Tool and calculated a revenue loss of 31,850 Euro per month. We then estimated an Avoided Billing Error Duration* of 12 months, meaning a total avoided loss for the operator of 382,000 Euros.
*This duration is the extra period during which the error would have led to revenues losses if the billing error had not been detected by Araxxe and fixed by client.
Araxxe’s Revenue Assurance managed services
We focus on your core business. By choosing an external service, you can focus on revenue leakages, not on test call generator issues! The managed services approach allows your Fraud and Revenue Assurance teams to focus on risks analysis and leakages fixing instead of spending time to fix their internal monitoring tool.
Choosing for Revenue assurance managed services can provide significant capital and operational cost savings. Above all, it means predictable costs for the telecom operators.